Monday, December 7, 2009

Deck the Halls

As far as we cats are concerned, there are few times more thrilling than when the adults pull out our favorite toy for us. You know, that tall prickly one they cover with all the beads and ornaments for us to bat about and try to remove? Well, yesterday was that day at our house.

Between the beads and the bows, the ornaments and the lights, there was a lot for me to play with. The only challenge was where to start.

But I did my part and made sure I played with all of them. It's a tough job having that much fun, and by the end of the day, I was pooped!
In fact, I think Rudy was zonked just watching me.

Not to worry, though. There's plenty more fun to be had, and I fully intend to go back for more...just as soon as I finish my nap.

1 comment:

Laura said...

What a beautiful tree! Some awesome people must've helped pick it out!

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